Colours; Self 

Black, Blue, Buff, Caramel, Champagne, Chocolate, CreamIvory, Lilac, Mink, PearlPink Eyed WhiteRussian BlueRussian Buff, Russian Dove, Russian Silver, SableStone

Colours; Ticked

Silver, Agouti, Agouti Marten, AmberBlue Agouti, Cinnamon, Cinnamon PearlGolden, Lilac Agouti, Russian Agouti, Russian Dove AgoutiRussian Silver AgoutiRussian Topaz, Saffron, Sienna, TopazWheaten stone

Colours; Pointed

Black and red eyed siamese are all judged in the same category.

Black eyed siameseBlack Eyed Siamese Agouti Point, Black Eyed Siamese Blue Point, Black Eyed Siamese Chocolate Point, Black Eyed Siamese Russian Blue Point, Black Eyed Siamese Seal Point, Golden Siamese

Red eyed siamese: Siamese Agouti Point, Siamese Blue PointSiamese Chocolate Point, Siamese Russian Blue PointSiamese Seal Point

HimalayanHimalayan, Golden Himalayan

BurmeseBurmese,  Russian Burmese, Sable Burmese, Wheaten Burmese


Badger, Bareback, Berkshire, Black Eyed White,
Capped, EssexHooded,  Hooded DownunderHusky, Husky StripedIrish, Masked, Variegated 


 MarbleMartenBlack Eyed MartenSilvermane


All color, pattern and fur variations in one category.

Guide Standard

Pink Eyed Golden, Coffee
Update 14.7.2024 
Update 13.2.2022 Marble and silvermane in standard -> new group Other, also added marten and black eyed marten. Pearl moved to self group.
1.1.2021 combined pointed; black eyed, red eyed, himalayan, burmese


The rat shall be of good size and firm by muscle, not fat, and arched over the loin. The head is clean and long, but not too pointed at the nose. The eyes shall be large, round, bold and not too near each other. The ears shall be proportionally sized, round, and smooth. The tail shall be cylindrical, and as long as the body, thick at the base, tapering to a fine point, straight and smooth. Does shall be of long and racy type, bucks being of a bigger, more robust build. Bucks have longer and coarser coat than does.

The rat must be easily handled, in good shape and clean. There must be no bald areas, cuts or parasites, neither damaged nor missing body parts.

Serious faults

1) Poor condition (physical or mental)
2) Bare areas in fur (except for old rexes)
3) Damaged body parts
4) Inborn curved or too short tail
5) Slight structural deformity
6) Barbered areas on the head (in places the animal cannot reach by itself)

Faults to disqualify

1) Partial or total lack of whiskers or any body parts
2) Barbered except for areas on the head (in places the animal cannot reach by itself)
3) Large cuts
4) External or internal parasites or their eggs
5) Obvious ill health (reason to be specified)
6) Notable thinness or obesity
7) Aggressiveness
8) Pregnant or nursing mother
9) Age under 2 months
10) Obvious occlusion defect
11) Hermaphrodite
12) Testicular defect
13) Kinked or stiffened tail, unless the animal has gained quality prizes from two different judges (standard class) or two accepted grades (A, AB, B or C) from two different judges (pet class + agility)
14) A clear external tumour or abscess, except a blocked up follicle
15) Severe structural deformity

If the animal is disqualified or cannot be judged based on the same reason three times in at least two different days/venues, the animal is permanently banned from participating in shows

Coat varieties

All colours and markings are allowed in both coat varieties.

1 ) SMOOTH aka NORMAL (sk)

Coat to be smooth, thick, soft and naturally shiny. It should have longer top fur and softer base fur.

2) REX aka CURLY-HAIRED (rex) 

Coat to be even, thick and not too coarse. As few guard hairs as possible. Coat to be evenly curly all over. A less curly belly side allowed. Whiskers to be curly as well. When a silver-ticked or ticked (agouti-group varieties) rat is rex, less ticking is allowed because there are less guard hairs in their fur than in smooth rats. Rexing may have a balding effect in elderly rats, which is normal and should not be punished in judgement. Hand stripping (trimming) the coarse guard hairs before showing a rex rat is optional. Stripping should not cause the rat any pain.

DWARF (dw)

In pet-class dwarfs are judged in same class with standards. Only with size and weight some things should be taken on notice – Size of the dwarfs is ⅓ of the standard’s size and weight between 50-150g. Dwarfs are also more energetic, especially at youth. Otherwise the showrules are same.

In standard-class dwarfs have their own show, where all dwarfs are judged in same class – self, ticked, pointed, marked and others


The ears shall be as big as possible, smooth and round, and set symmetrically behind the cheeks.


Colour to be even and with little silvering permitted on varieties black, blue, chocolate, lilac, mink, russian blue, stone and sable and colour to cover all body and go down to the skin. Belly colour, feet, ears and tail are to match the top.

BLACK (ba)Rex Black

aa/ basic colour of black colour group

Color to be deep, even black. Eyes black.

BLUE (bl)Sk Blue

aa dd/ blue; dilution from black by gene d

Color to be deep, bright blue-grey. Eyes black.

BUFF (bu)Rex Buff

aa rr/ ruby eyed black

Color to be cold, light smoke-grey. Eyes ruby.

CARAMEL (car)Sk Caramel

aa bb rr / ruby eyed chocolate

Color to be a warm beige. Tone resembles a light butterscotch. Eyes ruby.

CHAMPAGNE (cha)Sk Champagne

aa pp/ pink eyed black

Color to be cold natural white with a grayish tint. Eyes pink.

CHOCOLATE (cc)Sk Chocolate

aa bb/ chocolate, is one of black group colours

Color to be a dark, rich chocolate brown. Eyes black.

CREAM (cr)Rex Cream

aa bb pp/ pink eyed chocolate

Color to be light creamy beige. Eyes pink.

 ICE (ice)

Color to be almost white with an icy blue tint. Eyes pink.

IVORY (ivo)Sk Ivory

Color to be ivory white. Eyes black.

LILAC (li)Sk Lilac

Color to be a dove grey. Eyes dark.

MINK (mi)Sk Mink

aa mm/ mink, is also one of black-group colours.

Color to be grey-brown with blueish tint. Eyes black.

 PEARL (pe)


Color to be light silvery grey with cream base color. Tip of the fur grey. Eyes black.


PINK EYED WHITE (pew)Sk Pink Eyed White

cc/ albino

Color to be clean white. Eyes pink.

RUSSIAN BLUE (rb)Sk Russian Blue

Color to be intensive blue-grey, resembling a Russian blue cat. Heathering, that is typical for Russian varieties, creates a softer tone. Eyes black.

RUSSIAN BUFF (rbu)russianbuff2Sk Russian Buff

ruby eyed russian blue

Color to be cold, light smoke grey with a blue tint, without bothering brownness. Eyes ruby.


RUSSIAN DOVE (rd)dovetmuok

Color to be warm pastel grey. Eyes black.

RUSSIAN SILVER (rs)p_russiansilverrussiansilver22

Color to be bright light blue-grey. Eyes dark.

SABLE (sa)

Color to be dark cold brown. Eyes black.

STONE (sto)stone

Color to be light-ish latte toned brown. Eyes black.



Agouti group’s color contains body color, base color and ticking as in guard hair on backside and lighter belly color. Belly color to be distinct from top with an even demarcation. Age, gender and fur type plays a part in how the color develops.

SILVER (s-*)silvertikk33p_silvertikk34

Silvered varieties are judged as their own class between the self varieties and ticked varieties, all colours in one class, concerning varieties which are allowed to have silver ticking (black, blue, chocolate, lilac, mink, russian blue, stone and sable, and all possible varieties that are accepted after the annual meeting).

To be of a recognised coat colour, the coat containing equal numbers of silver and non-silver guard hairs. Each silver hair to have as much of its length white as possible. A coloured tip to be allowed. Silvering to give an overall sparkling appearance. It should not be possible to confuse a Silver with a pearl or a self. Foot colour to match top. Silvering is allowed in colours black, blue, chocolate, lilac, mink, russian blue, stone  and sable.

AGOUTI (ag)p_agouti

A-/ basic colour of brown colour-group, ”wild colour”

Color to be rusty brown with black ticking. Base color dark. Belly silvery grey. Eyes black.

AMBER (am)p_amber

A- pp/ pink eyed agouti

Color to be bright orange with silver ticking. Base color cream. Belly off-white. Eyes pink.

BLUE AGOUTI (bl ag)p_blag

A- dd/ blue agouti

Color to be an even mix of blue grey and golden yellow. Base color blue-grey. Blue ticking. Eyes dark.

CINNAMON (ci)p_cinnam

A- mm/ mink agouti

Body color resembles cinnamon. Chocolate brown ticking. Base color grey. Belly light grey. Eyes black.

CINNAMON PEARL (cp)p_cinpea

Color contains three layers: creamy base with blue middle layer and orange top. Silver ticking. Belly light grey. Eyes black.

GOLDEN (go)Golden

agouti group

Body color to be honey cream with a lighter base. Off-white belly. Eyes black.

LILAC AGOUTI (li ag)p_lilacagouti

Color to be even mix of dove grey and golden brown. Base color light grey. Dove grey ticking. Pink tinge desirable, without any blue. Belly light grey. Eyes dark.


RUSSIAN AGOUTI (rag)tcp-no-image

Body color to be rusty brown with a dark blue ticking. Base color dark blue. Heathering, that is typical for russian varieties, creates a softer tone. Belly silver grey. Eyes black.

RUSSIAN DOVE AGOUTI (rd ag)tcp-no-image

genetics uncertain

Body color to be light, golden brown sand. Ticking and base color to be pastel grey. Heathering, that is typical for russian varieties, creates a softer tone. Belly light grey. Eyes black.

RUSSIAN SILVER AGOUTI (rs ag)tcp-no-image

Light golden brown with blue-grey ticking. Base and belly light grey. Heathering, that is typical for Russian varieties, creates a softer tone. Eyes black.



Pastel orange, blueish silvery ticking. Base color blueish grey. Belly blue-grayish cream. Heathering, that is typical for Russian varieties, creates a softer tone. Eyes ruby.

SAFFRON (saf) p_saffron_rex40saffron_rex32

A- bb rr / ruby eyed sienna (chocolate based topaz)

Bright, deep orange with silver ticking. Belly and base creamy. Eyes ruby.

SIENNA (sn)sienna2

A- bb / chocolate agouti

Body color is brown with a red tinge. Chocolate ticking. Base color brownish light grey. Belly creamy grey. Eyes black.

TOPAZ (to)p_topaz2

A- rr/ ruby eyed agouti (black based)

Brownish orange with silver ticking. Base and belly grey. Eyes dark ruby.


Body color is like sand, with light brown base. Belly silver grey. Eyes black.


Body color cold black-brown with grey brown base. Dark brown ticking. Grey-brown belly. Eyes black.


Black and red eyed siamese are all judged in the same category.


rb chch

Body colour to be dark ivory – the darker the better – with a steel blue-grey tinge, shading gradually and evenly over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Points (face, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be a steel blue-grey colour, shading evenly to body colour. Eyes bordeaux red with blue rings.



aa bb chch/ chocolate pointed rat, has two siam-genes (ch) in C-locus

Body colour to be warm, medium beige gradually and evenly shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white or very pale areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Tail colour to extend down the length of the tail. Belly to be light beige. Points (face, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be a warm, rich dark chocolate and shade evenly into the body colour. Eyes bordeaux-red with blue rings.



To be of a warm yellowish colour, shading gradually to a yellowish brownish over saddle and hind quarters towards the belly, being at darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white or very pale areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Points (nose, ears, feet, tail and tail root) shall be a distinguishable agouti-colour shading evenly to body colour. Eyes black.



Body colour to be ivory –the darker the better – with a cold blue shade gradually and evenly shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Points (nose, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be cold, medium greyish blue. Eyes black.



Body colour to be a warm medium beige, gradually shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Points (nose, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be warm rich dark chocolate coloured, shading evenly to body colour. Eyes black.


Body colour to be dark ivory – the darker the better – with a steel blue-grey shade, shading gradually and evenly over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Points (face, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be a steel blue-grey colour, shading evenly to body colour. Eyes black.


Body colour to be a cold medium beige, gradually shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Points (face, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be cold rich dark sepia, shading evenly to body colour. Eyes black.

BURMESE (bur)p_burmese2

Colour to be a rich medium brown. The nose, feet and tail root are to have darker points with clear contrast. Belly colour to match top. Eyes black.

HIMALAYAN (hi)p_himase

chc/ pointed rat, has one albino-gene (c) and one siam-gene (ch) in C-locus

Body colour to be a throughout even white. Nose, ears, feet and tail to have distinct points as dark as possible. Point colour to be even throughout without any white. Nose point not to extend up beyond eyes, ear points down beyond the base of the ear or tail point up beyond the base of the tail. Points on front legs must stop to elbows and on hind legs at ankle hight. Eyes pink. Accepted point colours are seal, chocolate and blue.



Honey coloured top coat with light cream base. Belly nearly white. Colour points on nose, feet and base of the tail. Ears and tail slightly pigmented. Eyes black.



Body colour medium brown apricot, shading gradually over saddle and hind quarters, being darkest at the base of the tail. Base fur cream, belly colour light cream. Points (face, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be sienna. Eyes black.



Base colour to be grey-brown with a blue tinge. Points (nose, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be dark blue-grey. Light heathering is acceptable. Eyes dark.


Colour to be overall cold, dar brown, with darker clearly distinct points on the nose, feet and base of the tail. Eyes black.



A- chch

Body colour to be warm yellowish, shading gradually to a yellowish brownish over saddle and hind quarters towards belly, being at darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white or very pale areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Points (nose, ears, feet, tail and tail root) shall be a distinguishable agouti-colour shading evenly to body colour. Eyes bordeaux red with blue rings.



aa dd chch/ blue pointed rat, has two siam-genes (ch) in C-locus

Body colour to be ivory – the darker the better – with cold blue tinge, gradually and evenly shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Points (face, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be cold mid blue-grey blue. Eyes bordeaux red with blue rings.

p_siamseSIAMESE SEAL POINT (ssp)

aa chch/ black (sepia) pointed rat, has two siam-genes (ch) in Clocus

Body colour to be medium, cold beige, gradually and evenly shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white or very pale areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Tail colour to extend down the entire length of the tail. Belly to be light beige. Points (face, ears, feet, tail and tail root) to be cold, rich dark sepia and shade evenly into the body colour. Eyes bordeaux-red with blue rings.



To have an overall sand coloured appearance on a light brown base, giving a clear impression of an agouti-based variety. Darker, clearly distinguishable points (on face, feet and tail root). Belly colour pale silver grey, with clear demarcation lines. Eyes black.



The coloured areas shall conform to the recognised colour variety except in the pointed varieties. The edges of the markings shall be clear cut and even.

BADGER (/bdg)p_ambkbdg2

blazed berkshire

The entire ventral side white, including the inner sides of the legs and throat. Front paws white to elbows and hind paws up to ankles. Tail colored halfway, the rest white. A symmetrical blaze starting from the forehead, widening towards the muzzle. The colored area continues up to the mustache bed, covering the eyes. The white color of the stomach should not rise to the sides, and the boundary lines should be clearly distinguishable and even. The white area should be clean and free of any color or stains. Accepted odd eyed.

BAREBACK (/bb)p_bback

The hood shall cover the head, neck, chest and shoulders except for light-coloured bareback varieties where a pale coloured throat and chest are permissible. The rest of the body to be pure white and devoid of shades or patches.

BERKSHIRE (/bk)p_ageubk

To have a symmetrical rectangle on belly, starting from between front legs and ending between back legs. Front feet white to the elbows and back feet to ankles. White colour of belly must not connect to feet colour. Tail to be white as far as possible from the tip, but not to extend over half of the tail’s length. White area should be pure and devoid of any colour and stains.


genetically marked rat, has ”markings” only in eyes.

To be as white as possible, devoid of any creamy tinge or dinginess. No coloured hairs allowed. Eyes black or dark ruby.

CAPPED (/ca)p_bacapcapped_ag

The head to be covered by a coloured cap. The colour is to follow the line of the lower jaw bone, but not to extend under the chin or past the ears. A white blaze or spot on the face cap, closing between the ears desirable. Rest of the body white and devoid of any tinge and dinginess. Accepted odd eyed.

ESSEX (/esx)agoutiessex2p_agoutiessex7

Permitted in all standard colours with consideration of the impact of the gene that fades the primary colour, that is highlighted with age. Darkest area of colour along the spine, gradually fading on the sides to a completely white belly. In young animals the clear demarcation between belly and top colour is allowed, the line will fade with age. Fading shall be gradual and symmetrical and devoid of any dinginess and continue to white feet. Belly colour shall not be clear cut. Head marking shall be symmetrical and in the middle of the forehead. Marked tail is not to be penalised.

HOODED (/hd)p_hd

The hood to cover head, neck, chest and shoulders. The hood shall continue as a saddle spinal stripe which should extend down the spine to the tail, with as much of the tail as possible being coloured. The to be saddle even and unbroken, appr. 2-4cm wide, proportionate to the size of the animal. Rest of the body white. White area should be pure and devoid of any tinge and dinginess.

HOODED DOWNUNDER (/hd-du)hd du

The hood to cover head, neck, chest and shoulders. The hood shall continue as a saddle spinal stripe which should extend down the spine to the tail, with as much of the tail as possible being coloured. Saddle to be even, unbroken and appr. 2-4 cm wide proportionate to the size of the animal. Belly marking to be 2-4 cm wide and unbroken. Rest of the body pure white.

HUSKY (hu)p_aghuskyhumuok

Colouring should be similar to the husky dog. The body colour must be of a recognised colour variety. Black, ruby or pink eyes acceptable regardless of the body colour. To be taken into consideration that the variety lightens and amount of the ticking increases with age, but the colour must still be recognisable.

Markings (demarcation lines and blaze) to be clearly distinct and as even as possible. White belly colour must not rise to sides and the white area shall be pure and devoid of any colour and dinginess. Coloured area should be as evenly as possible a mix of white and coloured hairs, giving the effect of a strong silver ticking. Belly must be white, including legs and throat. White tail and base of the tail. White blaze on face, lower cheeks must be white. Coloured area comes as two, narrowing wedges towards the eyes, forming a symmetrical blaze between them. Accepted odd eyed.

HUSKY STRIPED (/hu-st)p_striped

Colour and eyes like husky. Marking leaves the edges of the eyes in two wedges towards upper cheek and top of the head, leaving between them a symmetrical blaze. Lower cheek white. Marking continues from the cheeks to outside edge of the ears unbroken to the base of the tail as an even, 3 – 6 centimetre wide stripe (so called saddle) considering the size of the animal. Tail and base of the tail white. The rest of the body shall be pure white and devoid of any colour and dinginess. Accepted odd eyed.

IRISH (/ir)p_agir

In chest to be a white equilateral triangle, that shall fill the entire area between front legs, the triangle must not to extend in a streak down the belly. Front feet white, back feet white half to half their length. White area should be pure and devoid of any tinge and dinginess.

MASKED (/ma)p_masked

The colour to conform to a recognised colour variety. A symmetrical figure to cover both eyes but must not extend to the ears, cheeks or tip of nose. Rest of the body to be pure white and devoid of any tinge and/or dinginess. Accepted odd eyed.

VARIEGATED (/var)p_variegated_sk

The head and shoulders to be coloured, with a white blaze on the head, spot also accepted. Blaze is to be wedge shaped, symmetrical, starting at the forehead and widening to the nose. Coloured area to cover eyes. The rest of the rat’s body to covered with evenly distributed spots, also on the sides. Spots on the tail desirable. Belly to be white including the throat and lower jaw. Accepted odd eyed.


MARBLE (mrb)


Accepted in all colours excluding pointed varieties. Body colour to be faded. Base coloured marmored spots in body and face. Spots in tail and belly are desirable. A thin line of base colour runs along the back. Marmoring piles up during aging. Due to the silky quality of the coat, the reflection of light affects the appearance of the marbling.

MARTEN (mrt)mrtmuok3

Body colour to be lead grey, as dark as possible. Colour fades with age, giving an evenly heathered general appearance. Fur to be lighter on the whisker bed and around the eyes. Eyes bright red.

BLACK EYED MARTEN (be mrt) bemarten standardi

Body colour to be lead grey, as dark as possible. Colour fades with age, giving an evenly heathered general appearance. Fur to be lighter on the whisker bed and around the eyes. Eyes black.


Even, base coloured undercolour. Translucent tips of the hairs gives black group silvery overall colour, for agouti group light gold. Muzzle area and around eyes to be darker than rest of the body – base coloured. Coat to be silky, soft and shiny. Uneven colour or too less of silveriness / goldenness are faults.


⅓ of the size of standard rat. Desired weight to be 50-150g. Head is rounder and shorter than those of the standard sized, making eyes look big to the ratio of the head. Ears are round and settled on top of the head. Compact body, that is well proportioned. Type not to resemble hamster. Tail is thin and whip like. Allowed in all colours and markings.



Vivid honey coloured top coat, undercoat to be cream. Clear demarcation line between the top colour and almost white belly. Eyes pink.


Light milk chocolate brown with a grayish tint without noticeable blueness. Eyes black. Allowed silver ticked.